Minimum Wage Hike Will Have a Big Impact
On Election Day, voters will have a chance to decide if Arkansas workers will be prohibited from accepting a job that pays less than $11 per hour. That is the essence of the ballot measure to increase...
View ArticleSome Problems with a Minimum Wage Hike
Soon Arkansas voters will be deciding whether or not to increase the state’s minimum wage from $8.50 an hour to $11.00 an hour. Those in favor of Issue 5 have been touting studies that ostensibly show...
View ArticleCourtney Goodson’s Made-Up “Duty of Confidentiality”
Well, we finally have an answer about whether or not Arkansas Supreme Court Justice Courtney Goodson requested a pay raise. As part of her defamation lawsuit against the Republican State Leadership...
View ArticleConsider the Trade-Offs of a Minimum Wage Hike
Voters will go to the polls shortly and decide, among other things, whether to increase Arkansas’s minimum wage. While advocates for the minimum wage hike are selling it as a painless way to give...
View ArticleWho Controls Spending — the Supreme Court or Legislators?
When legislators look for a little transparency in state spending, they should be rewarded. After all, the people deserve to know how state money is being spent, right? When it comes to the Arkansas...
View ArticleFixing Corporate Welfare in Arkansas
Can corporate welfare (or, if you prefer, “economic development”) be improved in Arkansas? The answer is clearly “yes,” but what would this improvement entail? For some, it would mean ending the Quick...
View ArticleWill Arkansas Embrace Free Range Parenting in 2019?
Depending on the whims of a police officer or a state worker, the types of activity that used to be normal for children a couple decades ago could mean big legal trouble for parents today. Legislators...
View ArticleSecure Arkansas Woefully Misinformed about Constitutional Convention
If you read the Secure Arkansas website, you’d get the idea that the biggest threats facing Arkansans are fluoridation, vaccines, and an Article V constitutional convention. We can authoritatively...
View ArticlePraise for Food Stamp Work Requirement
Arkansas is a national leader when it comes to work requirements for its public assistance programs. The main focus is usually on its Medicaid work requirement, but Gov. Asa Hutchinson has also...
View ArticleDonor Privacy’s Importance in the Real World
It’s a common agenda item for “progressives” to support mandatory reporting to the government of donors to organizations that speak out on public policy. They dress up this expansion of government...
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